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Laguna Dance Festival encourages professors and teachers to recommend their advanced students to perform for our Art Walk Series! If you are interested in performing at an Art Walk, please fill out the below form. Talent presented at each event varies depending on LDF’s current and evolving artistic vision. If we are interested, our artistic staff will reach out directly. We thank you in advance for wanting to share your gifts with the community!
All styles of dance are welcome. Performers must be at least 14 years of age. Please note, our Art Walk Series take place in different locations; thhe piece you submit must be adaptable. Previous Art Walks have taken place at the Laguna Art Museum, Dawson Cole Fine Art Gallery, and Hotel Laguna.[/vc_column_text]
If you are interested in teaching a masterclass or teaching during our summer intensive, please email our Program Coordinator, Amanda Koenig at amanda@lagunadancefestival.org with your Headshot, Bio, and Teaching Resume for consideration.
If you or your company is interested in performing for our annual Festival, please email info@lagundancefestival.org with your website and link to your work for consideration.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]